Suryathon (Surya Namaskar for Life) is a special initiative by Indica Yoga Academy, Indian Council For Cultural Relations, New Delhi (ICCR), Center for Soft Power and LifeCykul.
Last year's theme for International Day of Yoga (IDY) was Yoga at Home, Yoga With Family. With the current situation of the pandemic, the theme for IDY 2021 is Be with Yoga, Be at Home, which has been reiterated by the Ministry of Ayush and Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs.
MASTER Classes on THE ART OF SURYANAMASKAR with certified Gurus
All proceeds go to Youth for Seva to support COVID Relief Work
Stand a chance to win exciting rewards!
Master the art of SuryaNamaskar
Master the art of SuryaNamaskar
Participants get e-Medal, e-Certificate & qualify for goodie raffles
Suryathon 2021 is an open challenge for everyone who wants to get fit but do not know where to start. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation has multiple benefits for the body and mind.
A Company Representative or Member of a Group can register in bulk for multiple participants in one go.
Once registered you will get a 'Special Code' > Share the code with your group members or company associates > They can use the same 'Special Code' to finish their Individual Registration without having to go through the payment process.